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Our Mission

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POWER OF PRAYER Prayer is like having a conversation with one of your girlfriends. It is not a monologue but a dialogue

  • Pray what’s on your heart – tell God about it – I Peter 5:7

  • When you pray believe that God has heard you – I John 5:14-15

  • Trust that the answer is on its way – Daniel 10:12


HEALING THE HURTING HEARTWalk in your victory and stop blaming other people for your problems 

  • Acknowledge the hurt – Psalms 55:4a

  • Be willing to let it go – Phil  3:13

  • Forgive the hurter – Mark 11:25


DON’T JUST STRIVE BUT THRIVEArise and move forward

  • Believe God that you are who He created you to be – Psalms 139:14

  • Be trouble-free – John 14:1

  • Be intentional, do it on purpose – Col 3:17

“Each One Reach One”

Our Mission

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